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Why are we doing this ?

This is an attempt at bridging the gap between the underused visual artists talents and the illustrative needs of the teaching community.


A platform for catering the best in infographics, data-visualizations or motion graphics content for easy access and pedagogical assistance.


We believe teachers and communicators all around the world are in need of quality content to foster engagement in their classrooms. A picture is worth a thousand words. An animation, millions !?

We believe artists all around the world are open to put some of their illustrative talents towards noble challenges of helping their kid's teachers maintain engagement in the class. After all, aren't teachers only competing against the mobile phones, youTube or now Netflix ? 

But check my TEDxMartigny 2013 down below for a more comprehensive description.

(Apologies for the first 7 minutes that are a bit long and slow...feel free to skip. The second half is more on point)

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